When it comes to assisting Swedish citizens who travel abroad and run into difficulties, Embassies / Consulates General have to comply with Swedish law and instructions from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This meaning that the Swedish Embassies / Consulates-General only under certain circumstances can act in individual cases. The Embassy / Consulate Generals ability assist with money transfers and loans is very limited.
原则上, the Embassies / Consulates-General should not provide such services that normally are provided by banks, 旅行社及酒店. Assistance shall not be provided for such things as the traveler him-self can arrange by e.g. 去银行,打个电话等等. The Swedish Embassies / Consulates-General is instructed to first leave the so-called "Help to self-help” guide. This guide has various information has been prepared to help your-self to sort out your situation.


如果你不能自己解决问题, the Consulate General in certain circumstances would provide more active assistance. This may include help with mediation of accounts from 日博备用网站 or from relatives. 在这种情况下,总领事馆会收取600日博备用网站克朗的费用. Please note that the Consulate General's involvement can only be considered if you have what is called a distress. 意思是“因病而死的人”, 盗窃, robbery or other unfortunate circumstance has a lack of resources for travel costs to 日博备用网站 and necessary expenses in connection to the that or for medical care."

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